The Eyes Have It

Eye makeup has been taking a larger proportion of prestige cosmetics sales during and after lockdown, according to retail analysts NPD. With lips now often hidden behind face masks or coverings, makeup sales in that area are taking a lesser share of the spending. “As consumers are required to wear a face mask or covering…

no fog lens wipes

What The World’s Been Waiting For

There’s a problem that’s been “mistyfying” some of the greatest minds on the planet in recent months. A global phenomenon, which has caused huge amounts of debate and discussion, from the White House to the Kremlin, from Beijing to Berlin, London to New York. Whether it’s in private homes or business premises, shops or restaurants,…


Cummings & Goings

As I type the copy for this latest edition of the Chronicle the furore around the PM’s Chief Advisor Dominic Cummings continues. His 60-mile round trip to Barnard Castle, Co. Durham, to test his eyesight (allegedly affected as a result of succumbing to COVID19) has left me scratching my head in bewilderment for several reasons.…

In other news

In other news…

I hope this message finds you well and that you are managing to enjoy some of this beautiful sunshine!A big, heartfelt “Thank You” to all of you who have sent emails and messages of support and encouragement in the past three weeks, it means a great deal to me and the team, and I have made…

harborough district business wards 2020

Competition Season

Welcome to this March edition of the Church Street Chronicle. As I type, the wind is howling and the rain is near horizontal as storm Ciara blasts its way across the UK. And yet, despite the storms and wintry weather, there is definitely a sense that spring is just around the corner. Cherry blossoms are…

20 20 vision


Welcome to February! Christmas and the New Year seem a distant memory already don’t they? Many of you may not immediately realise the significance of the year 2020 and the fact that it is a VERY exciting year, especially for opticians. Let me enlighten you. 20/20 vision is the standard that is considered to be…
